Appendixes A-15
Effect control parameters (continued)
Effect type and adjustable parameters
2730 3D box twist
to F3: Area of the part that twists (Area = 0 to 100)
2739 F4: Type of twist (TYPE = TYPE01/TYPE02/TYPE03/TYPE04)
F5: Delay before start of twist (Delay = –100 to +100)
X/Y/Z: Location, enlargement, and reduction of the pattern
2750 3D modeling effect
F1: Amplitude of swirl (Amp = 0 to 100)
F2: X-axis rotation of path into swirl (Path_X = –100 to +100)
F3: Y-axis rotation of path into swirl (Path_Y = –100 to +100)
F4: Z-axis rotation of path into swirl (Path_Z = –100 to +100)
2800 3D beveled edge, Picture-in-picture
to F1: Amount of X-axis rotation (Rot_X = –100 to +100)
2805 F2: Amount of Y-axis rotation (Rot_Y = –100 to +100)
F3: Amount of Z-axis rotation (Rot_Z = –100 to +100)
F4: Perspective (Pers = 0 to 100)
F5: Bevel frame type (TYPE = TYPE01 to TYPE10)
F6: Width of frame (Width = 0 to 100)
F10: Position of light source (Light = –100 to +100)
X/Y/Z: Location, enlargement, and reduction of the pattern
2810 3D modeled edge, Picture-in-picture
to F1: Amount of X-axis rotation (Rot_X = –100 to +100)
2813 F2: Amount of Y-axis rotation (Rot_Y = –100 to +100)
F3: Amount of Z-axis rotation (Rot_Z = –100 to +100)
F4: Perspective (Pers = 0 to 100)
F5: Border frame type (TYPE = TYPE01 to TYPE04)
F6: Width of frame (Width = 0 to 100)
F7: Length of protruding part of frame (Length = 0 to 100)
F8: Sharpness of frame edges (Sharp = 0 to 100)(2810 and 2811 only)
F9: Position in the depth direction of the picture (Depth = 0 to 100)
F10: Position of light source (Light = –100 to +100)
X/Y/Z: Location, enlargement, and reduction of the pattern