
Pin NamePin No. I/O
1 AUDIO-OUT O MD output mute signal output
2 STEREO I Stereo signal input
3 TUNED I Tuned signal input
5 CD-MUTE O CD mute signal output
6 Not used (open)
7 Not used (open)
8 BYTE I Not used (connected to ground)
9 CNVSS Not used (Connected to ground with resistor)
10 XC-IN I Sub clock input
11 XC-OUT O Sub clock output
12 RESET I System reset input
13 X-OUT O Main system clock output (16MHz)
14 VSS Ground
15 X-IN I Main system clock input (16MHz)
16 VCC Power supply (+5V)
17 NMI I Not used (Pull up with resistor)
18 RDS-INT I Not used (Connected to ground with resistor)
19 SCOR I CD Q-Data request input
20 AC-CUT I AC cut check signal input
21 ST-MUTE O Tuner mute signal output
22 ST-CE O Tuner chip enable signal output
23 ST-DOUT O Tuner data output
24 BU-PWM3 O BU PWM 3 (for CD-RW) signal output
25 ST-DIN I Tuner data input
26 BU-PWM2 O BU PWM 2 (for CD-RW) signal output
27 ST-CLK O Tuner clock signal output
28 BU-PWM1 O BU PWM 1 (for CD-RW) signal output
29 IIC-CLK I IIC serial data clock input
30 IIC-DATA I IIC serial data input
31 Not used (open)
32 SQ-DATA I CD data input
33 SQ-CLK O CD data clock output
34 SENS I SENS signal input from CXD3017Q
35 CD-DATA O CD data output
36 XLT O CD latch signal output
37 CD-CLK O CD data clock output
38 CD-POWER O CD power on/off signal output
39 CLK-OUT O Not used (open)
40 HOLD O Laser diode control signal output
41 OTM-RESET O Other micom reset
42 Not used (open)
43 XRST O CD reset signal output
44 MTR-CTRL1 O CD motor control 1 output
45 MTR-CTRL2 O CD motor control 2 output
46 REC-A I Record tab switch for SIDE-A signal input
47 LED-DISC O DISC LED on/off signal output
48 BU UP/DW SW I BU up switch signal input
49 TBL-SENS I Table sensor signal input
50 REC-B I Record tab switch for SIDE-B signal input
51 A-TRG O TCM-A trigger output
52 B-TRG O TCM-B Trigger output
53 AMS-IN I AMS signal input