
Pin NamePin No. I/O
54 SOFT TEST O Not used (open)
55 LED SELB O LED group B select signal output
56 VOL A I Volume encoder signal A input
57 VOL B I Volume encoder signal B input
58 JOG A I AMS jog dial encoder signal A input
59 JOG B I AMS jog dial encoder signal B input
60 I2C-DATA O IIC serial data output
61 I2C-CLOCK O IIC clock signal output
62 AVCC Power supply (+3.3V)
63 AVSS Ground
64 KEY0 I Key input (A/D port)
65 KEY1 I Key input (A/D port)
66 KEY2 I Key input (A/D port)
67 KEY3 I Key input (A/D port)
68 KEY4 I Key input (A/D port)
69 KEY5 I Key input (A/D port)
70 BPF1-F02 I Spectrum analyzer BPF signal input
71 BPF2-F03 I Spectrum analyzer BPF signal input
72 BPF2-F04 I Spectrum analyzer BPF signal input
73 BPF2-F05 I Spectrum analyzer BPF signal input
74 BPF2-F06 I Spectrum analyzer BPF signal input
75 ALL BAND I L+R signal input
76 LED-SCK O Serial clock output to LED driver
77 RESET I Reset input
78 LED-DAT O Serial data output to LED driver
79 LED-LATCH O Latch signal output to LED driver
80 LED-SELA O LED group A select signal output
81 VSS-CPU Ground
82 XOUT O Crystal oscillator output (4MHz)
83 XIN I Crystal oscillator input (4MHz)
84 VCC-CPU Power supply (+3.3V)
85 to 100 NO USED O Not used (open)