Page Menu Submenu Control item Function
Paint 3/8 V Mod Saw z R/G/B/Master Adjusts the V modulation.
V Mod Saw Off Turns the V modulation ON/OFF.
Skin Detail 1/2/3 (common) z Level Adjusts the skin detail level.
z Phase Adjusts the skin detail phase.
z Width Adjusts the skin detail width.
z Saturation Adjusts the skin detail saturation.
DTL Gate # Turns the skin detail gate ON/OFF (each channel).
Auto Hue # Executes the skin detail auto hue setup (each channel).
Skin DTL # Turns the skin detail ON/OFF (each channel).
Saturation z Saturation Adjusts the saturation.
Saturation Turns the saturation ON/OFF.
Black Gamma RGB z R/G/B/Master Adjusts the black gamma.
Y z Y Adjusts the black gamma.
Paint 4/8 Detail 1 HD
z Level Adjusts the HD detail level.
z Limiter Adjusts the HD detail limiter.
z Crispening Adjusts the HD detail crispening.
z Level Dep Adjusts the HD level dependence.
Detail Off Turns the HD detail ON/OFF.
SD DTL Off Turns the SD detail ON/OFF.
z Level Adjusts the SD detail level.
z Limiter Adjusts the SD detail limiter.
z Crispening Adjusts the SD detail crispening.
z Level Dep Adjusts the SD level dependence.
Detail Off Turns the HD detail ON/OFF.
SD DTL Off Turns the SD detail ON/OFF.
Detail 2 HD
z H/V Ratio Adjusts the HD detail H/V ratio.
z Frequency Adjusts the HD detail boost frequency.
z Mix Ratio Adjusts the HD detail mix ratio.
z Comb Adjusts the HD detail comb.
Detail Off Turns the HD detail ON/OFF.
SD DTL Off Turns the SD detail ON/OFF.
z H/V Ratio Adjusts the SD detail H/V ratio.
z Frequency Adjusts the SD detail boost frequency.
z Mix Ratio Adjusts the SD detail mix ratio.
z Comb Adjusts the SD detail comb.
Detail Off Turns the HD detail ON/OFF.
SD DTL Off Turns the SD detail ON/OFF.
Detail 3 HD
z W.Limiter Adjusts the HD detail white limiter.
z B.Limiter Adjusts the HD detail black limiter.
z Fine Adjusts the HD fine detail level.
z Knee Apert Adjusts the HD knee aperture.
Fine Detail Turns the HD fine detail ON/OFF.
Knee Aperture Turns the HD knee aperture ON/OFF.
z W.Limiter Adjusts the SD detail white limiter.
z B.Limiter Adjusts the SD detail black limiter.
z Coring Adjusts the coring for SD cross color reduction.
z Level Adjusts the level for SD cross color reduction.
Crs Col Reduce Turns the cross color reduction ON/OFF.
a) The submenu to select HD or SD is displayed only when an HD camera is connected.