
Online Album Options
You have many options available. Press (Options) to access the
online Album options:
Save to Phone to download the selected picture to your phone.
Copy/Move to copy or move pictures files to a selected
Edit Caption to edit the caption of a picture file.
Erase to erase pictures saved in the current album.
Rotate Picture to rotate the selected picture.
Picture Info to display information on the selected picture, such as
title, time, date, size,etc.
Album List to display the album list.
Expand to switch the display from thumbnail view to full-screen.
Thumbnail to display the thumbnail image.
Uploading Pictures
You can quickly and easily upload the pictures stored in your camera
to your online picture account.
To upload your pictures:
1. To access the main menu, press (Menu).
2. Select Pictures ().
3. Select Online Albums ().
4. Select Upload Pictures ().
5. Use the Navigation Key to select a picture to upload then press
(OK)or (Upload).
6. Select Upload This ( ) to upload the selected picture.
- or -
Select Upload All ( ) to upload all of the pictures in your In
Camera folder.
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