11 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn ttoo DDuuaalliittyy
22 CCoonnssoollee OOppeerraattoorr’’ss GGuuiiddee
Overview 2-1
DAW I/O Labelling 2-2
Routing and Signal Flow 2-2
Introduction to Split Mode 2-2
Channel Strip 2-3
Channel Input Section 2-4
Dynamics Section 2-5
Compressor 2-5
Gate/Expander 2-5
Central Dynamics Control 2-7
Dynamics Section Metering 2-7
Equaliser 2-7
Filters 2-7
Channel Output (CHOP) 2-8
Insert Point 2-8
Signal Processor Routing 2-8
Channel Sends 2-9
Cue Stereo 2-9
FX Sends 2-9
Channel Pan 2-10
Split Mode 2-10
Channel Fader 2-11
Channel Cut and Solo 2-11
D-pot and DAW Control 2-11
Channel TFT Screen 2-12
Centre Section 2-15
Power Supply Indicators 2-15
Central Routing Panel 2-16
Main Output Functions 2-18
Main Bus Compressor 2-19
Master Fader 2-20
Track Bus Master Controls 2-21
Monitoring 2-22
External Source Selectors 2-23
Monitor Insert 2-24
Monitor Metering 2-24
Bass Management 2-25
Monitor Options 2-25
Monitor Level Calibration 2-27
SOLO / AFL / PFL 2-28
Duality Operator’s Manual
Table of Contents
TTaabbllee OOff CCoonntteennttss