Duality’s automation system is a fully featured package, developed from SSL's renowned G and K Series
Ultimation systems, but with a feature set designed specifically for Duality. The classic SSL look and feel,
familiar to thousands of engineers worldwide, is utilised to add dynamic fader and cut automation to the
console. MTC (MIDI Time Code) serves as the mix timeline reference, together with support for MMC (MIDI
Machine Control) locate commands to follow non-play speed positional changes from the DAW. Mix data is
saved to internal flash memory as part of Duality’s Project system, but may be transferred to your DAW via the
Duality Browser, to retain the integrity of the DAW project data.
KKeeyy ffeeaattuurreess
• Frame accurate fader and cut automation data
• Moving and non moving fader modes
• Trim updates
• Fader links
• Mix Pass history
• AutoTakeover
• Variable glide times
• Fader safe mode
• Match and Play Cut automation updates
The system uses the channel bay TFT screens to give a graphical display of fader levels. The centre section
TFT is used to display the levels of group faders and A, B, C bus master fader levels.
The automation system is a chargeable option for the Duality console. If your console has not been supplied
with the full automation system, please contact your local SSL representative.
Duality Operator’s Manual
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