Page 48 of 86 SSC Series Central Chilling Stations
The compressor enable screen displays:
Compressor Enable Screen
These screens allow the customer to toggle the compressors
between ON-LINE and OFF-LINE. As the operator presses the F1
or F2 button, the corresponding compressor state changes between
Setting Compressor Lead/Lag Times and Activating Compressor
Lead/Lag Operation
While in the Configuration Menu, the compressor lead/lag screen
allows the customer to enable or disable the Lead/Lag rotation of
compressors. While viewing the screen for the applicable rotation,
pressing F1 will toggle the rotation function On or Off. Pressing
the F2 button will present an entry screen which will allow the
entry of a rotation interval. Acceptable range is 50-200 hours.
The compressor lead/lag screen displays:
Compressor Lead/Lag Screen