SSC Series Central Chilling Stations Page 81 of 86
I Index
Advanced Controls, 68
Standard Controls, 53
Available options, 9
Checking Motor Direction, 25
Chiller Pumps
Advanced Controls, 64
Chiller Shutdown, 38
Circuit Alarm Sequence, 27
Compressor Lead-Lag, 27
Compressor Staging Sequence,
27, 31
Condenser Maintenance, 73
Copyright information, 2
Determining Flow Rate, 38
Disclaimer information, 2
Electrical connections, 19
Electrical wiring schematics, 20
Evaporator Maintenance, 74
Freezestat Control, 28
Galvanic Corrosion
Considerations, 23
General information
Available options, 9
Models covered, 8
Necessary documents, 7
Standard features, 8
Graphic Panel Devices, 41
Indicator Lights and Control
Switches, 41
Incomplete shipment, 16
Incorrect shipment, 16
Installation information, 19–25
Checking Motor Direction, 25
Connection Sizing
Considerations, 23
Electrical connections, 19
Galvanic Corrosion
Considerations, 23
Location considerations, 19
Piping Considerations, 21
Process Water Connections,
Remote Air-Cooled
Condensers, 24
Tank Piping Connections, 22
Water Treatment
Considerations, 23
Water-Cooled Condenser
Connections, 23
Location considerations, 19
Makeup Valve Maintenance, 74
Models covered, 8
Checking Direction, 25
Necessary documents, 7
Operating Compressors
Advanced Controls, 60
Standard Controls, 46
Options, 9
Piping Considerations, 21
Process Water Connections, 21
Pump Lead-Lag, 27
Pump Seal Maintenance, 74
Pump Tank Piping Connections,
SSCR Condenser
Specifications, 14
SSCR drawing, 13
SSCR specifications, 13
SSCW drawing, 11
SSCW specifications, 12
Remote Air-Cooled Condenser
Installation, 24
Remote Air-Cooled Startup, 37
Remote Air-Cooled Startup
Checklist, 35
Returns, 16
Revision number, 2
Routine Maintenance, 73–75
Condensers, 73
Evaporators, 74
Lubrication, 73
Makeup Valve, 74
Pump Seals, 74
Safety considerations, 3
Sequence of Operation, 25–31
Alarms, 27
Chilled Water Circuit, 28
Chilled Water Manifold, 31
Compressor Staging, 27
Condenser Water Manifold,
Control Nipple, 31
Control Probe, 31
Flow Switch, 30
Freezestat Control, 28
High Pressure Cutout, 30
Lead-lag Compressors, 27
Lead-Lag Pumps, 27
Low Pressure Cutout, 30
Refrigeration Circuit, 28
Shipping damages, 15
Shipping information, 15–17
Incomplete shipment, 16
Incorrect shipment, 16
Returns, 16
Shipping damages, 15
Uncrating, 17
Unpacking and inspection, 15
SSCR, 13
SSCR Condensers, 14
SSCW, 12
Standard Controls Touchscreen,
44, 58
Standard features, 8
Startup Checklist, 33–39
Chiller Shutdown, 38
Determining Flow Rate, 38
Introduction, 33
Remote Air-Cooled, 35
Remote Air-Cooled Startup,
Water Cooled, 33
Water Cooled Startup, 35
System Temperatures
Advanced Controls, 71
Troubleshooting, 73–75
Uncrating, 17
Unpacking and inspection, 15
Using the Advanced
Touchscreen Interface, 57–72
Alarms, 68
Chiller Pumps, 64
Getting Started, 59
Introduction, 57
Operating Chiller
Compressors, 60
System Temperatures, 71
Using the Standard Touchscreen
Interface, 44, 43–56, 58
Alarms, 53
Getting Started, 45
Introduction, 43
Operating Chiller
Compressors, 46
Water Connection Sizing
Consideration, 23
Water Cooled Startup, 35