
The V3 standard also includes interactions, such as Create Patient Billing Account.
There are three modes of Acknowledgement process in HL7 V3:
Immediate Mode
Deferred Mode
Queued Mode
TCP/IP HL7 V3 Adapter Projects Overview
Several HL7 V3 sample Projects are provided with the TCP/IP HL7 Adapter to illustrate
dierent scenarios for connecting with external HL7 systems. You can download the sample
Projects from the Downloads page of the Java CAPS Suite Installer.
While this section focuses on the standard inbound and outbound HL7 scenarios, you can
choose from any of the following samples:
HL7 Adapter Inbound Collaboration Project for HL7V3 PRPA_IN403001UV01 Interaction
over MLLPV2
HL7 Adapter Outbound Collaboration Project for HL7V3 PRPA_PRPA_IN403001UV01
Interaction over MLLPV2
HL7 Adapter Inbound Collaboration Project for HL7V3 PRPA_IN403001UV01 With
Schematron Validation Enabled
HL7 Adapter Collaboration Project for HL7 V2 to V3 Conversion and ebXML Wrapper on
HL7V3 Message
HL7 Adapter Inbound Collaboration Project That Invokes Sub Collaborations for HL7V3
TCP/IP HL7 V3 Adapter Collaborations
This section describes two inbound Collaboration (jcdHL7V3Inbound and
jcdHL7V3DefrdInbound) and an outbound Collaboration (jcdHL7v3Outbound), provided
within the standard sample Projects for inbound and outbound HL7 V3 messaging. These
Collaborations are designed to work as is for HL7 V3 compliant interfaces, and can be
congured for your specic needs using the property conguration les. If an interface requires
special functionality, the Collaboration's Java code is easily accessible for modication, much of
which can be created graphically using the Collaboration Editor's Business Rules Designer.
The Collaborations contain a number of Message Libraries that extend functionality for HL7
V3 message handling, logging, error messaging, journaling, and sequence numbering. These
include both HL7 Message Libraries for the V3 domains, and the Resource Adapter that
communicates to the external system and oers services to the application server. The
Collaborations control messaging protocol and all business logic.
There are four inbound Collaborations in the prjHL7V3Inbound Project:
SunAdapterforTCP/IPHL7User's Guide 121