
TABLE48 Connectivity Map -HL7v3 Transmission Wrapper
Name Description
InteractionID The identication of theunique information interchange. The attribute valuesare
derived from theHL7 MDF interaction names; forexample, POLB_INI00100 and
Processing Code An indicator ofthe type of system the messageis part of. Specify one ofthe
following options:
D - Themessage is part of a debuggingsystem.
P - Themessage is part of a productionsystem.
T - Themessage is part of a trainingsystem.
Processing ModeCode Anindicator of themode in which the message isprocessed. Specify one of the
following options:
T Current processing (onlinemode)
A Archivemode
I Initial mode
R Restorefrom archive mode
Version Code TheHL7 version. This valueis matched by the receiving systemto its own version
to ensure thatmessages are interpreted correctly. The defaultvalue is v3.0.
Validate Transmission
An indicator ofwhether to validate the transmission wrapperof the data message
(for inbound case)and transmission wrapper of the ACKresponse (for outbound
case). Select true tovalidate messages; otherwise select false.
This property isused in the Collaboration code.
Communication Control — TCP/IP HL7 V3 Outbound
The following table lists and describes the properties that appear on the Communication
Control page of the Properties Editor accessed from the Connectivity Map. These properties
dene how data is transferred (that is, sent and received) over the TCP/IP connection.
SunAdapterforTCP/IPHL7User's Guide 87