This is how you synchronize the time and date with the help of NTP
1. Log in to the administration interface of sunrise surf & talk box (see Logging in and logging out, pg. 25).
2. Click on the Time tab in the Tools menu.
3. Enter the desired NTP server in the NTP Server fi eld.
4. Click on the Change confi guration button.
5. Click on the Request time button.
A connection with the Internet will be automatically established.
6. To leave the administration interface, simply close your browser.
Confi guring automatic disconnection.
The sunrise surf & talk box is confi gured from the factory so that connection to the Internet via sunrise mobile
broadband is automatically aborted when your session has been inactive for 480 minutes. The session is inactive
when, for example, during this time no access to webpages has occurred or no data traffi c has taken place.
As soon as activity again takes place, the connection will be automatically re-established.
Note: If you use programs on your PC/laptop that automatically establish a connection with the Internet in the
background, data traffi c will occur and the connection will not be disconnected. Additional costs could accrue
due to this. Therefore, it is to be recommended that you deactivate the mobile broadband interface when not
using the Internet (see Disconnecting from the Internet, pg. 29). This way it will also not be possible for pro-
grams in the background to establish a connection to the Internet.
This is how you confi gure automatic disconnection
1. Log in to the administration interface of sunrise surf & talk box (see Logging in and logging out, pg. 25).
2. Click on the Connection tab in the UMTS/GPRS menu.
3. In the Disconnect after fi eld, enter after how much time (in minutes) of inactivity the connection should be auto-
matically disconnected.
A maximum of 999 minutes can be entered.
4. Click on the OK button.
5. To exit the administration interface, simply close your browser.
Re-establishing the connection automatically
The sunrise surf & talk box is confi gured from the factory so that Internet connection is automatically established
via mobile broadband with the corresponding activity from your computer (e.g. by calling up a webpage in your
sunrise surf & talk Basics of Administration