Managing SMS messages.
The sunrise surf & talk box contains an SMS management interface that enables you to:
• get an overview of the SMS messages that you have sent and received
• use an editor form to send SMS messages
• use an address book form to record and store destination numbers
SMS menu
1. Log in to the sunrise surf & talk box’s administrative interface (see Logging in and logging out, p.25).
2. Select the SMS menu.
Here you will see on various tabs information concerning individual aspects of SMS management.
«SMS Mailbox» tab
Here you will fi nd a comprehensive overview of all your SMS messages, including those just received, those
already received and those yet to be transmitted.
«Write SMS» tab
With this form-based editor you can write SMS messages and enter the addressee’s telephone number in the form
fi eld at the top. To transmit, press the «Send SMS» button.
«Number Directory» tab
Here you can enter telephone numbers and the names of those they belong to in a telephone list:
1. In the empty form fi eld in the «Name» column enter the name of your contact.
2. In the empty form fi eld in the «Number» column enter your contact’s number.
3. Press the «Add» button.
To delete an entry, select it with the appropriate radio button and press «Delete.»
To change an entry, select it with the appropriate radio button, press «Change» and then proceed as described
under points 1 – 3.
Note: Only numbers from 0 – 9 may appear in the “Number” column; special characters (e.g., !§&=#*+@ etc.)
will result in error messages.
sunrise surf & talk Managing SMS messages