Technical Specification
Instruction Manual: TT1260 Standard Definition Professional Receiver/Decoder Page B-9
B.3.10 Analogue Audio Performance
Table B.8: Analogue Audio Performance
Parameter Performance
Voltage gain adjustment ± 1 dBm
Maximum undistorted output (terminated with 600 W) 21 dBm
Crosstalk 50 to 100 Hz: >80 dB
100 to 15 000 Hz: >60 dB
Frequency response 50 to 16 000 Hz: ±0.5 dB
Total harmonic distortion (THD), terminated in 600 W <0.5%
Signal-to-noise ratio (referenced to 1 kHz tone at
+9 dBm out)
³ 70 dB
Audio Reference Level -9 dBm
B.3.11 Digital Audio Outputs
Digital audio outputs comply with E1A-422
and have a maximum data
rate of 3.072 Mbit/s.
Digital audio is output on 2 x 9 Ways D-type connectors.
B.4 Internal Decoder
The TT1260 contains an internal Decoder. A packet demultiplexer selects
audio, video and ancillary services from the stream received from the
digital demodulator. A service filter reduces the incoming data rate
(max 160 Mbit/s) to that suitable for demuxing/decryption. The Decoder
supports decoding of compressed video at rates of up to and including
50 Mbit/s.
Table B.9: Maximum User Bit-rates
Modulation FEC R188max (Mbit/s)
QPSK 1/2 41.470588
QPSK 2/3 55.294118
QPSK 3/4 62.205882
QPSK 5/6 69.117647
QPSK 7/8 72.000000
8PSK 2/3 82.941176
8PSK 5/6 103.676471
8PSK 8/9 110.000000
16QAM 3/4 110.000000
16QAM 7/8 110.000000
ASI 160
EIA-422-A-1978: Electrical characteristics of balanced voltage digital interface circuits.