Technical Specification
Instruction Manual: TT1260 Standard Definition Professional Receiver/Decoder Page B-13
Table B.14 shows the Eb/No requirements to ensure error free
demodulation for all supported FEC rates.
Table B.14 shows the minimum and maximum possible bit-rates for all FEC
Table B.14: Eb/No Requirements QPSK/8PSK/16QAM Modulator-Demodulator in IF Loop
Modulation Eb/No Ratio (dB) for Demodulator Output BER < 1E-7
Rs < 20 Msymbol/s Rs > 20 MSymbol/s
QPSK ½ 3.9 3.9
QPSK 2/3 4.4 4.5
QPSK ¾ 4.9 5.1
QPSK 5/6 5.4 5.8
QPSK 7/8 5.8 6.4
8PSK 2/3 6.3 6.5
8PSK 5/6 8.3 8.8
8PSK 8/9 8.8 9.8
16QAM ¾ 8.4 8.6
16QAM 7/8 10.1 11.1
ratio is referred to user bit-rate R188.
Table B.15: QPSK/8PSK/16QAM Bit-rate R188 Limits (Mbit/s)
Modulation FEC R188min R188max
QPSK 1/2 1.000000 41.470588
QPSK 2/3 1.228758 55.294118
QPSK 3/4 1.382353 62.205882
QPSK 5/6 1.535948 69.117647
QPSK 7/8 1.612745 72.000000
8PSK 2/3 1.843137 82.941176
8PSK 5/6 2.303922 103.676471
8PSK 8/9 2.457516 110.000000
16QAM 3/4 2.764706 110.000000
16QAM 7/8 3.225490 110.000000