WFM90D and WFM91D Service Manual
Replaceable Parts List
This section lists the replaceable modules for this instrument. Use this list to
identify and order replacement parts.
Parts Ordering Information
Replacement parts are available through your local Tektronix, Inc., Field Office
or representative.
Changes to Tektronix instruments are sometimes made to accommodate
improved components as they become available and to give you the benefit of
the latest circuit improvements. Therefore, when ordering parts, it is important to
include the following information in your order:
H Part number
H Instrument type or model number
H Instrument serial number
H Instrument modification number, if applicable
If you orde r a part tha t has been replaced with a different or improved part, your
local Tektronix, Inc., Field Office or representative will contact you concerning
any change in part number.
Modules can be serviced by selecting one of the following three options. Contact
your local Tektronix service center or representative for repair assistance.
Module Exchange. In some cases you may exchange your module for a reman-
ufactured module. These modules cost significantly less than new modules and
meet the same factory specifications. For more information about the module
exchange program, call 1-800-833-9200. Outside North America, contact a
Tektronix sales office or distributor; see the Tektronix web site for a list of
offices: www.tektronix.com.
Module Repair and Return. You may ship your module to us for repair, after which
we will return it to you.
New Modules. You may pur chase replacement modules in the same way as other
replacement parts.
Module Servicing