Theory of Operation
WFM90D and WFM91D Service Manual
Top Board
The Top board contains the microprocessor circuitry, the rasterizer and graphics
generator, the subcarrier oscillator, and the timing generator.
Microprocessor. The microprocessor takes input from the front-panel keypad to
control the operation of the instrument through the serial bus, parallel bus, and
dedicated control lines.
Rasterizer and Graphics. The rasterizer and graphics block produces all internally
generated video including waveforms, graticules, and menus. The rasterizer uses
the horizontal and vertical deflection signals to produce the waveforms. The
rasterizer uses the horizontal and vertical sync signals from the Bottom board to
lock to the incoming video signal.
The rasterizer needs a good analog timing voltage to run correctly. This timing
voltage is generated by a circuit loop between the Top and Bottom boards.
Problems with this circuit can be on either circuit board.
Bottom Boar d
The Bottom board contains the power supply circuitry, the horizontal and
vertical deflection circuits, the NTSC or PAL decoder, the vectorscope and
burst-lock circuitry, the sync separator, and the audio amplifier for the headphone
LCD Display and Backlight (Serial Numbers B020100 and Above)
The LCD Display module generates the display graphics using input signals
generated on the Top and Bottom boards. The power for the LCD Display
module comes from the Bottom board. The display backlight is incorporated into
the LCD Display module. See Figure 3--1.
LCD Display and Backlight (Serial Numbers Below B020100)
The LCD Display module generates the display graphics using input signals
generated on the Top and Bottom boards. The power for the LCD Display
module comes from the Bottom board, while the power for the backlight comes
from the Backlight Power Supply board. The display backlight mounts into the
side of the LCD Display module. See Figure 3--2.