Operating Instructions
1502C MTDR User Manual
upper right corner of the LCD, showing the distance from the front panel
BNC to the current cursor location.
9. MENU: This pushbutton provides access to the menus and selects items
chosen from the menus.
10. VIEW INPUT: When pushed momentarily, this button toggles the display
of the waveform acquired at the CABLE connector. This function is useful to
stop displaying a current waveform to avoid confusion when looking at a
stored waveform. This function defaults to ON when the instrument is
powered up.
11. VIEW STORE: When pushed momentarily, this button toggles the display
of the stored waveform.
12. VIEW DIFF: When pushed momentarily, this button toggles the display of
the current waveform minus the stored waveform and shows the difference
between them.
13. STORE: When pushed momentarily, the waveform currently displayed will
be stored in the instrument memory. If a waveform is already stored, pushing
this button will erase it. The settings of the stored waveform are available
from the first level menu under View Stored Waveform Settings.
Menu Selections
There are several layers of menu, as explained below.
The Main Menu is entered by pushing the MENU button on the front panel.
1. Return to Normal Operations puts the instrument into normal operation
2. Help with Instrument Controls explains the operation of each control.
When a control or switch is adjusted or pushed, a brief explanation appears
on the LCD.
3. Cable Information has these choices:
a. Help with Cables gives a brief explanation of cable parameters.
b. Velocity of Propagation Values displays a table of common dielectrics
and their Vp values. These are nominal values. The manufacturer’s listed
specifications should be used whenever possible.
c. Impedance Values displays impedances of common cables. In some
cases, these values have been rounded off. Manufacturer’s specifications
should be checked for precise values.
Main Menu