1502C MTDR User Manual
Operator Tutorial
This chapter will show, step by step, the features and uses of the 1502C.
What is the Tektronix 1502C?
The Tektronix 1502C Metallic Time-Domain Reflectometer is a short range
metallic cable tester capable of finding faults in metal cable. Tests can be made
on coaxial cable, twisted pair, or parallel cable.
How Does It Do It?
The 1502C sends an electrical pulse down the cable and receives reflections back
made by any discontinuities. This is known as time-domain reflectometry. The
1502C is sensitive to impedance changes. Problems in the cable will be detected
and displayed as changes in impedance along the cable. These will be displayed
as hills and valleys in the reflected pulse. The 1502C is capable of finding shorts,
opens, defects in the shield, foreign substances in the cable (e.g., water), kinks,
and more. Even though other instruments might show a cable as good, the
1502C can show many previously hidden faults.
You, the Operator
The 1502C is a highly accurate cable tester. It is easy to use and will provide
fast, accurate measurements. Because of electrical and environmental differences
in cables and their applications, each waveform will likely differ. The best way
to learn these differences is experience with the instrument. You are the 1502C’s
most important feature.
Experiment with different cables in known conditions and see how they
compare. Subject cables to situations you might find in your application and
learn the effects. We have included some examples of cable faults in this manual
to help you gain familiarity. With practice, you will quickly become familiar
with even the most subtle differences in waveforms, thereby increasing the value
of the 1502C in locating problems.
Menus and Help
The 1502C is equipped with various help screens. Simply press MENU for
assistance. The instrument will prompt you. More information on MENU is
located in the Operating Instructions chapter of this manual.