The Graphical Waveform Editor
AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual 3-75
Figure 3-13 shows an example of the output of standard and hysteresis comparison
operations. The rectangular wave is the reference waveform, and the triangular
wave is the source waveform.
Figure 3-13: Waveform compare operation example
Compare Dialog Box. The Compare dialog box lets you set the target and source
waveform and hysteresis values. Table 3-14 describes the Compare dialog box
XY View... Displays the XY view of two waveforms. The XY
view dialog box is an information display and
does not alter the waveform data. Waveform XY
view. Refer to page 3-80 for information on the
XY View dialog box.
F1: Source waveform of active window
F2: Source waveform of nonactive window
G: Waveform resulting from operation
(x): Waveform data point value
Table 3-13: Mathematical function commands (cont.)
Command Equation
Reference waveform
Source waveform
Target waveform
Reference waveform + hysteresis
Reference waveform – hysteresis
Standard Comparison Hysteresis Comparison
Target waveform
Table 3-14: Compare dialog box parameters
Parameters Descriptions
Target Specifies the location where you want to display the result of operation.
Options are Data, Marker 1 and Marker 2.
With Specifies the reference waveform.
Hysteresis Specifies the amount of hysteresis. The value may be -1 to 1 in 0.0001