
Command Descriptions
3-202 AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
Math Operators
Table 3-48 lists the programming language math operators that you can use as part
of waveform equation expressions.
The operator priorities are as follows, starting with higher priority at the top of the
list. Operators on the same line have equal priority.
- (unary), + (unary)
*, /
=, <>, >, >=, <, <=
and, or
Table 3-48: Math operators
Operators Description
Unary Arithmetic Operations
- Inverts the sign.
+ Does nothing.
Binary Operations
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
^ Exponentiation
Binary Relational Operations
= If both side values are equal, 1 results. Otherwise, 0 results.
<> If both side values are not equal, 1 results. Otherwise, 0 results.
> If the left side value is larger than the right side value, 1 results.
Otherwise, 0 results.
>= If the left side value is larger than or equal to the right side value, 1 results.
Otherwise, 0 results.
< If the left side value is smaller than the right side value, 1 results.
Otherwise, 0 results.
<= If the left side value is smaller than or equal to the right side value, 1
results. Otherwise, 0 results.
Binary Conditional Operator
and If both side values are not 0, 1 results. Otherwise 0 results.
or If both side values are 0, 0 results. Otherwise 1 results.