Appendix G: Product Verification
A --- 26
Step 6: Set the laser to CW (unmodulated) mode, and set the laser
power level (if adjustable) to maximum, but not more than 2 mW. Turn
on the laser. The power meter reading should be at least 500
Step 7: Set the power meter to dB relative (press the dB key), and set
the dB reference (press Disp-->Ref). The power meter should read
0.0 dB ±0. 1 dB.
Step 8: Set the OA 5000 DISABLE button to on (lit).
The measurement in step 9 is near the noise floor of the power
meter, so it may be necessary to repeat the meter zero (with sensor
capped) and the measurement several times to get a valid result. If
an average reading l o wer t han about ---97 dB can’t be obtained
(except for the OA 5032), it mig ht be due to noise in the sensor. A
laser with a higher power output might be needed to improve the
range of the measurement.
Step 9: Verify the OA 5000 shutter attenuation by checking that average
(not peak) value of the power meter reading is ---100 dB or lower (more
negative), except ---90 dB or lower for OA 5032.
Stable light levels must be maintained throughout the insertion loss,
attenuation accuracy, and repeatability tests. Use only fiber optic
connectors that are clean and in good condition. It may be neces-
sary to remove the OA 5000 bulkhead connectors and clean the
OA 5000 connectors and fibers (see Appendix F).
Step 1: Leave the fibers connected to the 1310 nm laser and the long
wavelength sensor. Disconnect the fibers from the OA 5000, and con-
nect the fibers together using an FC/FC adapter.
Step 2: Assure that the wavelength displays of the OA 5000 and the
power meter are set to the actual wavelength (not the nominal wave-
length) of the laser, w ithin ±1 nm.
Step 3: Set the power meter to W (watts) mode. The reading should be
700 W or more. Set the power meter to dB relative mode (press the
dB key), and set the dB reference (Disp-->Ref). The power meter
should read 0.0 dB ±0.1 dB.
Step 4: Disconnect the fibers from the FC/FC adapter, and connect
them to the OA 5000.
1310 nm:
Insertion Loss,
Accuracy, and