OA 5000 Series User Manual
3 --- 27
The *LRN? query always returns a string with command headers,
regardless of the setting of the HEADER command. This is because
OA 5000 as a command string. The VERBOSE command can still
be used normally to specify whether the returned headers should
be abbreviated or full l ength.
might return the string:
0.00;:DISPLAY DB;:DISABLE 0;:STORE1 0.00;:STORE2 0.00
The *OPC (Operation Complete) command generates the operation com-
plete message in the Standard Event Status Register (SESR) when all
pending operations finish. The *OPC? query places the ASCII character “1”
into the Output Queue when all pending operations are finished. The *OPC?
response is not available to read until all pending operations finish. For a
complete discussion of the use of these registers and the output queue, see
page 3---35.
*WAI, ADJusting?
The *PSC (Power-On Status Clear) command sets and queries the power-on
status flag that controls the automatic power-on handling of the DESER,
SRER, and ESER registers. When PSC is TRUE, the DESER register is set to
255 and the SRER and ESER registers are set to 0 at power-on. When PSC
is FALSE, the current values in the DESER, SRER, and ESER registers are
preserved in non-volatile memory when power is shut off and restored at
power-on. F or a complete discussion of the use of these registers, see
page 3---35.
Related Commands: