Appendix A: Specifications
CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Table A- 7: O/E converter (CSA7000 Series only)
Optical input connector Rifocs universal connector
O/E wavelength range 700 nm to 1650 nm
nO/E gain ≥0.27 V/mW (0.35 V/mW typical) at 780 nm ±20 nm
≥0.33 V/mW (0.40 V/mW typical) at 850 nm ±20 nm
≥0.64 V/mW (0.75 V/mW typical) at 1310 nm ±20 nm
≥0.64 V/mW (0.75 V/mW typical) at 1550 nm ±20 nm
Applies to graded index multimode fiber with core diameter 62.5 m or smaller
at the input and O/E Electrical-to-CH1 Input adapter
Optical Channel DC measurement accuracy, typical ±((2% +(2% ¢ net offset/1 mW )) ¢jreading +(Position ¢ W/div) -- Offset j
+0.35% ¢ Net Offsetj +3 W +0.18 div ¢ W/ div) only between 10 W/div and
50 W/div inclusive. Average of ≥16 waveforms
The delta between any two averages of ≥16 waveforms acquired under the
same setup and am bient conditions:
±((2% +(2% × net offset/1 mW)) ×j reading j +0.16 div × W/div)
Excludes normal variations due to fiber connection to the front of the instrument
nOptical Channel Bandwidth (includes O/E,
O/E-to-TekConnect adaptor, and instrument)
5 _Cto25_C:
CSA7404 2.4 GHz
CSA7154 1.6 GHz
DC conversion gain linearity <4mV/div: ±(4.5% + (6% × net offset))
4 mV/div to 99.5 mV/div: ±(4% + (2% × net offset))
100 mV/div to 1.0 V/div: ±(4% + (2% × net offset/10))
Absolute maximum nondestructive optical input
5 mW average;
10 mW peak at the wavelength with the highest relative responsivity
Maximum nonsaturating linear response to transient
input, typical
The transient optical signal response is linear (±6%) for <170 Waverage
input (340 W p) at 850 nm
<120 W average input (240 W p) at 1310 and 1550 nm
Output zero (Dark level) ±(1.6 W +0.1 division × W/div) from 10 Wto50W per division vertical
scale setting