Index- 4
CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Controlling data input and output, 3--245
Copy, C--3
Copy a waveform, 3--273
Copy setup, C --3
Copy waveform s, 3--273
Copying waveforms, 3--262
Coupling, 3--11, C--4
ground, Glossary --7
trigger, 3--76
Creating, emergency start up disk, 1--11
Creating and using math waveforms, 3--185
Cross-hair, graticule, 3--144, C--9
Crossing %, B--4, C--12
Cursor, 3--160
controls, C--11
measurements, 3--148, 3--160, 3--238
mode, C--11
position, 3--166, C--11
sources, 3--166
style, 3--167
tracking, 3--167
type, 3--166, C--11
types, 3--162
units, 3--164
Cursor controls window, 3--166
Cursor measurements, 3 --238
Cursor readout, V-bars, 3--238
Cursors, 3--160, Glossary--3
using, 3--162
with derivative waveforms, 3--192, 3--201
with FFT waveforms, 3--229, 3--238
Cursors menu
cursor controls, C--11
cursor mode, C--11
cursor position, C--11
cursor setup, C--11
cursor type, C--11
h-bars, C--11
independent, C--11
screen, C--11
track, C--11
v-bars, C--11
waveform, C--11
Customer feedback, C --16
Customize measurements, 3--149
Customizing the display, 3--138
Cycle area, B--1, C--12, Glossary-- 3
Cycle distortion, B--5, C--12
Cycle mean, B --1, C--11, Glossary--3
Cycle RMS, B--1, C--11, Glossary--3
DATA, 3--64
Data, controlling input and output, 3--245
Data input/output, 3--245
all settings are retained, 3--246
avoiding setup/wa veform mismatches, 3--247
begin your chart, 3--272
bitmap, file format, 3 --262
copy your file, 3--276
copying waveforms, 3--262
delete a reference waveform file, 3--260
delete the file, 3--261
delete the reference, 3 --260
display the reference cont rol window, 3--254, 3--258,
display the setups control window, 3--248, 3--251
display your referenc e waveform, 3--259
export your file, 3--269
exporting and copying waveforms, 3--262
file formats, 3--262
find the file dire ctory, 3--261
find the source directory, 3--251, 3--258
find your file, 3--261
finish the chart , 3--272
hardcopy formats, 3--278
image, 3--278
import the wave form da ta, 3 --271
JPEG, file format, 3--262
label the waveform, 3 --255
margins, 3 --278
MathCad, file format, 3--263
MathLab, file format, 3 --262
name a destination, 3--249
name the file, 3--270
name your setup, 3--249, 3--250
numeric, file form at, 3--262
orientation, 3--278
page setup window, 3 --279
palette, 3 --278
paper, 3--278
PNG, file format, 3--262
print preview window, 3 --280
print window, illustration, 3 --277
printing waveforms, 3--277
recall a reference waveform from a file, 3--258
recall setup from a file, 3 --251
recall the setup, 3 --251
recall the waveform, 3 --258
recall your setup, 3--252