Application of Council Directive: 2004/108/EC -The EMC Directive
94/9 EC - The ATEX Directive
2002/96/EC – The WEEE Directive
Manufacturer's Name: Teledyne Isco, Inc.
Manufacturer's Address: 4700 Superior, Lincoln, Nebraska 68504 USA
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 82531, Lincoln, NE 68501
Equipment Type/Environment: Laboratory Equipment for Light Industrial/Commercial Environments:
The device is a battery power supply housed inside a black plastic enclosure
(base). The device is intended for operation in ambient temperature range of
-40 to +60 C.
Trade Name/Model No:
Battery Node Type 2196EX
Year of Issue: 2007
Standards to which Conformity is Declared:
EC-Type Examination Certificates:
Battery Node Type 2196EX:Baseefa07ATEX0033X
The 2150EX Flow Monitoring System is covered
by a QA Notification to Annex 4 of the 94/9/EC
Directive issued by Baseefa NB number 1180.
EN60079-0:2004, Electrical Apparatus for Potentially Explosive Atmospheres
-General Requirements
EN60079-7:2007, Equipment protection by increased safety “e”
EN50020:2002, Equipment protection by intrinsic safety “i”
EN61326-2003, EMC Requirements for Electrical Equipment for
Measurement, Control, a
nd Laboratory Use
EN60529:1992, Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosure Self Certified
as IP-68
EMC Standard Description Severity Applied Performance Criteria
EN61000-4-2:1995 Electrostatic Discharge Level 2 – 4Kv contact discharge
Level 3 – 8Kv air discharge
EN61000-4-3:1995 Radiated RF Immunity 80 MHz to 1000MHz 80% AM at 1KHz
Level 3 – 10V/m
EN 55011
RF Emissions Group 1, Class A Industrial, Scientific, and
Medical Equipment
We, the undersigned, hereby declare that the design of the equipment specified above conforms to the above Directive(s) and
Standards as of February 14, 2007.
William Foster
USA Representative
Teledyne Isco Inc.
William Foster
Director of Engineering
Teledyne Isco, Inc.
4700 Superior Street
Lincoln, Nebraska 68504
Phone: (402) 464-0231
Fax: (402) 464-4543