2150EX Area Velocity Flow Module
Section 2 Preparation and Installation
2.8.1 Spring Rings To install a spring ring, compress the ring, slip it inside the pipe,
and then allow it to spring out to contact the inside diameter of
the pipe. The inherent outward spring force of the ring firmly
secures it in place. A typical self-expanding mounting ring (with
a probe mounted on it) is shown in Figure 2-21.
These mounting rings are available for use in pipes with inside
diameters of 15.2 cm (6"), 20.3 cm (8"), 25.4 cm (10"), 30.5 cm
(12"), and 38.1 cm (15"). The Isco part numbers for the various
size mounting rings available are listed in Appendix B. These
part numbers include not only the ring, but also the miscella-
neous hardware necessary to mount the sensor on the ring.
Always wear leather gloves when handling the rings (either
type). The metal is finished, but there is still a possibility of cut-
ting your hands on the edges.
Figure 2-21 Sensor Installed on a Spring Ring
Attaching the Sensor to the
Attach the AV sensor to the ring either by using two 4-40 coun-
tersink screws or by snapping the optional probe carrier to the
ring. This second method of attaching the sensor allows for easy
removal in case service is needed later.
...outward force of ring against pipe wall holds
ring in place inside pipe.
Compress ring into gap to install in pipe, then...