System & Station
Program 31 – Station Class of Service
Strata DK Programming 5/99 3-85
System & Station
LED 03: Off-hook Call Announce (OCA) Enabled (Receive)
Enable this option (LED 03 ON) for any digital or electronic telephone requiring OCA.
Telephones must be equipped for OCA. OCA is not available on standard telephones.
This feature does not affect the station’s ability to originate OCA.
Digital telephones: Speaker OCA requires a DVSU in the telephone. Also, the PDKU supporting
OCA must have code 62 or 64 set in Program 03. Handset/headset OCA does not require extra
hardware - only that Program 31 LED 03, and 14 be ON.
Electronic telephones: Speaker OCA requires a HVSU/HVSI in the telephone and a third pair of
wires from the PEKU. Electronic telephones cannot receive Handset OCA.
LED 02: Handsfree No Warning
As a default, on Voice First systems (Program 10-1, LED 1) a one-second warning tone is sent to a
handsfree digital or electronic telephone to inform its user that someone is calling and that they can
be heard. If the warning tone is not desired at the called digital or electronic telephone, this
assignment can disable it, allowing silent room monitoring of the area surrounding the telephone.
This will also prevent ringing the digital or electronic telephone as a ring-first situation. Initialized
data activates the warning tone for all ports.
LED 01: Handsfree Disabled
It is possible to disable the internal call Handsfree Answerback function on any digital or
electronic telephone. This option ensures privacy (no room monitoring) when enabled on the
called station but it prevents the called station from answering an internal call hands free. The
0LFURSKQ&XWRII button (Program 39) can be used instead of this feature to allow the user to
enable/disable Handsfree Answerback, as desired.