System & Station
Program 77-2 – Door Phone Busy Signal/Door Lock Assignments
3-164 Strata DK Programming 5/99
Program 77-2 Overview
This program performs three functions:
♦ Sets number of times door phone rings
♦ Sets fast busy tone if the called door phone does not exist
♦ Configures B-pack on DDCB/HDCB output for door lock control
LED 20: Door Phone Ring Count
The number of times that a door phone will ring digital and electronic telephones is set with this
LED. Light the LED for one ring; turn it OFF for five rings. The default is five rings. See Program
79 to assign which telephones will be rung by door phones.
LEDs 01, 02, 03, 05, 06, 07, 09, 10, 11, 13, 14, and 15: Door Phone Busy Out
Each door phone controller (DDCB or HDCB) can interface with up to three door phones. The
system treats each controller as a station. Therefore, this is quite different from all other station
arrangements using telephones. Only one door phone can be in used at one time. The system does
not automatically know how many door phones are connected to each DDCB or HDCB, so it must
be told.
This program is used to enter that information so that a caller will receive fast busy tone if the
called door phone does not exist. Door phones 1A, 1B, 1C are numbered #151, #152, #153,
respectively, and are connected to the DDCB or HDCB at Port 004. Door phones 2A, 2B, 2C are
numbered #154, #155, #156, respectively, and are connected to the DDCB or HDCB at port 012,
LEDs 04, 08, 12, and 16: Door Lock Assignments
Each B-jack on the DDCB and HDCB output can be configured for door lock control. Door lock
control buttons (
8QORFN 'RRUa) for door locks are assigned to electronic or digital telephones
in Program 39. Door lock activation time is set in Program 77-1. Each DDCB requires one PDKU
or RDSU circuit, and each HDCB requires one PEKU or PESU electronic telephone circuit. These
door locks are not associated with, but are in addition to the door lock control provided by the
CAUTION! To prevent system malfunction, DO NOT install the RDSU or PESU in slot 18
of the DK40i system.
DK424 DK40i, DK14
DDCB/HDCB Slot Number Port Number DDCB Type DK40i Port Number DK14 Port Number
11 004 DDCB1 004 002
12 012 DDCB2 012 003
13 020 DDCB3 020 NA
14 028