Header Information and codes added to the beginning of user data, such as a
transmission block or packet, which contains the destination, address, source
address and message number.
Hookswitch The switch on a telephone instrument that operates when the handset is
removed from its cradle.
Host Computer A central computer used to process transactions; also called a host.
Input To enter data into a processing system or peripheral device, or the data that
is entered.
Idle Prompt The information shown on the display panel when the device is not
performing any operations or transactions. Normally the date and time.
Keypad The key panel used for entering data and performing operations.
Leased-Line A private telephone line connected directly to another party.
Line Cord A telephone type cord with modular plugs for connecting a device to another
device or outlet.
Login Password information for a particular organization that allows access to a
system such as a public switched network (e.g., Telenet, Tymnet). The login
also opens an accounting file for the session.
Login String A code consisting of a network code, user name and password used to login
to a network.
Luhn Check-Digit A fraud control measure used in transactions.
Manual Transaction Transaction using account information entered from the keypad rather than
automatic reading devices such as the cardreader.
Memory The storage of codes and data in the circuitry of a terminal or computer or
other media such as magnetic disk or tape.
Memory Dialing A method of automatically dialing telephone numbers stored in a device’s
memory rather than dialing by hand.
Memory Location An exact storage location in the terminal’s memory, identified by a 3-digit
location number.
FDC Retail/Debit Purchasing Card Reference Manual
Glossary - 4 TRANZ 460 Terminal