
Print Options
Follow these procedures to print batch details, operator totals, terminal totals
or to reprint the last receipt.
Display Response
1. READY **nnn** Press [FUNC] and the [5] key labeled PRINT.
Enter the manager password if required,
then press [ENTER]. The terminal echoes
each keypress with an asterisk.
3. PRINT OPTION ? Enter the number that corresponds to the
item you wish to print, then press [ENTER].
1 - detail items
2 - terminal totals
3 - reprint last receipt
If you select "1", continue with Step 4. If
you select "2", continue with Step 7. If you
select "3", continue with Step 8.
ENTER CARD TYPE Enter the card type, then press [ENTER] or
press [ENTER] for all card types.
5. SORT BY ID? Y/N Select "Y" to print a detail report by operator
number and in item number order, and
continue with Step 9. Select "N" for a detail
report in item number order only and
continue with Step 6.
6. ENTER ITEM # Enter the item number and press [ENTER],
or press [ENTER] for a printed list of all
items and continue with Step 9.
CARD=1 OP=2 Enter "1" for a printed report of credit card
transaction totals, then press [ENTER], or
enter "2" for a printed report of operator
totals. Continue with Step 9.
RE-PRINT The terminal displays this message for 1
second, then proceeds to reprint the last
8. ENTER ITEM # Enter the item number of the record you
wish to reprint, or press [ENTER] to reprint
the last transaction, provided no new
transaction has been initiated.
7. Terminal Functions
TRANZ 460 Terminal 7 - 5