The unit has 5 memory variables -A, B, C, D, and E.
You can store a real number or an expression that results
in a real number to a memory variable.
accesses the menu ofvariables.
lets you store valuesto variables.
recalls the values ofvariables.
clears allvariablevalues.
displays the Decimal Notation mode menu.
These modes affect only the display of results. F (default)
restores standard notation (floating-decimal) format.
0123456789 sets decimal places to (0-9), retaining
numeric notation mode format.
FLO (default).FloatingNotation, with digits totheleftand
rightof the decimal
displays the Numeric Notation mode menu.
These modes affect only the display of results.
SCI: Scientific Notation
ENG: Engineering Notation (exponent isa multiple of3)
enters a value in Scientific Notation, regardless
of the numeric notation mode. Press before entering
a negative exponent.
1-VAR analyzes statistical data from 1 data set with 1
measured variable, x. 2-VAR stats analyzes paired data
from 2 data sets with 2 measured variables: x, the
independent variable, and y, the dependent variable. You
can enter up to 42 data sets.
To define statistical data points:
1. Press .Select 1-VARor 2-VARandpress .
The STATicon appears on the screen.