Angleî€ Modes
displays a menu to specify the Angle mode as
degrees, radians, or gradients.
displays a menu to specify the Angle unit modifier-
degress ( ), radians ( ), gradients ( ), or DMS ( ). It
also lets you convert an angle to DMS Notation ( DMS).
To set theAngle mode for any part of an entry:
Select theAnglemode. Entriesare interpreted and results
displayedaccording totheAngle mode,or
Select aunit modifier ( )for any part ofan entry.
Entries with unit modifiers are interpretedaccordingly,
overriding theAnglemode.
To convert an entry:
Set theAngle mode tothe unityouwantto convert to.
Then use aunit modifier todesignate theunitto convert
from.(Anglesof trigonometric functions convert values
inside parenthesesfirst.),or
Select DMS, whichconvertsan entry to DMS( )
Enter trigonometric functions (sin, cos, tan, sin , cos ,
an ), just as you would write them. Set the desired Angle
mode before starting trigonometric calculations.
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