
4-40 Section 4: Master File Entry
Point ID. Required. Enter a four-digit maximum point ID number.
Point Description. Optional. Enter a 20-character maximum description of the point. If
omitted, the system enters the point ID number into this field.
Device ID. Required (zoom available). Enter a four-digit maximum device ID number that
is attached to this point. Once entered, the system automatically enters the associated
computer number, poller number, and address fields.
Sensor/Board. Required. The sensor number or board number through which this point
communicates. A point may be connected through a multiple switch monitor (MSM) to an
ACU, or it may be connected directly to other device types. For an ACU, the number entered
is the number of the sensor connection to the device. For devices with directly connected
points (e.g., Optomux boards, alarm monitoring devices), enter 0 (zero), or the board number
if multiple boards are connected on the same poller. Note that for WSE 422, 0 is for input
points and 1 is for output points.
Contact. Required. For points connected through an MSM to an ACU, enter the MSM point
contact number (1, 2, 3, or 4). For directly connected devices, enter the contact number for
that device (0 through 15). Note for WSE 422, 0-75 is for inputs and 0-51 if for outputs. Refer
to the WSE 422 input/output tables at the back of this section.
Point Type. Required (zoom available). Enter the point type number in the range 1 through
9 as described above, or screen-check using F7 (zoom).
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