
4-48 Section 4: Master File Entry
Key B. Start position and length of second part of key.
Key C. Start position and length of third part of key.
Expiration Date Start. Expiration date start position.
Site Code. Site code start position.
ABA Card Data Action. The report number (ID) that will execute in response to an ABA card
swipe event.
Based on Key Number. Y / N — Actions to take that are based on the key number.
Based on Site Code. Y / N — Actions to take that are based on the site code.
Based on Expiration Date. Y / N — Actions to take that are based on the expiration date.
Use Site Code as Key. Y / N — Use the site code as the key number.
The DKR (Digital Key Reader) configuration entry screen is used to change the factory-set
operational default values. A brief introduction to these procedures is given here, but for complete
information consult the appropriate DKR manual. In all cases, however, do not attempt these
procedures without first contacting your dealer and/or WSE customer support.
Configuration ID. Enter a configuration ID number in the range 1 — 9999.
Send Key to ACU Once. Controls the number of times the key number is forwarded to the
ACU while within the read-range of the reader. The default is Y—Once.