Preset Effects & Types 175
DM2000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
Modulation-based Effects
Guitar Effects
Dynamic Effects
Combination Effects
# Preset Name Type Description
13 Chorus CHORUS Chorus
14 Flange FLANGE Flanger
15 Symphonic SYMPHONIC
Proprietary Yamaha effect that produces a richer and more
complex modulation than normal chorus
16 Phaser PHASER 16-stage stereo phase shifter
17 Auto Pan AUTO PAN Auto-panner
18 Tremolo TREMOLO Tremolo
19 HQ.Pitch HQ.PITCH Mono pitch shifter, producing stable results
20 Dual Pitch DUAL PITCH Stereo pitch shifter
21 Rotary ROTARY Rotary speaker simulation
22 Ring Mod. RING MOD. Ring modulator
23 Mod.Filter MOD.FILTER Modulated filter
# Preset Name Type Description
24 Distortion DISTORTION Distortion
25 Amp Simulate AMP SIMULATE Guitar amp simulation
# Preset Name Type Description
26 Dyna.Filter DYNA.FILTER Dynamically controlled filter
27 Dyna.Flange DYNA.FLANGE Dynamically controlled flanger
28 Dyna.Phaser DYNA.PHASER Dynamically controlled phase shifter
# Preset Name Type Description
29 Rev+Chorus REV+CHORUS Reverb and chorus in parallel
30 Rev->Chorus REV->CHORUS Reverb and chorus in series
31 Rev+Flange REV+FLANGE Reverb and flanger in parallel
32 Rev->Flange REV->FLANGE Reverb and flanger in series
33 Rev+Sympho. REV+SYMPHO. Reverb and symphonic in parallel
34 Rev->Sympho. REV->SYMPHO. Reverb and symphonic in series
35 Rev->Pan REV->PAN Reverb and auto-pan in series
36 Delay+ER. DELAY+ER. Delay and early reflections in parallel
37 Delay->ER. DELAY->ER. Delay and early reflections in series
38 Delay+Rev DELAY+REV Delay and reverb in parallel
39 Delay->Rev DELAY->REV Delay and reverb in series
40 Dist->Delay DIST->DELAY Distortion and delay in series