Format Details 375
DM2000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
13.3.19 Compressor library bulk dump format
The second and third bytes of the DATA NAME indicate the library num-
0:Library no.1 - 127:Library no.128, 256:CH1 - 351:CH96, 384:BUS1 -
391:BUS8, 512:AUX1 - 523:AUX12, 640:MATRIX1L - 647:MATRIX4R,
768:STEREO L - 769:STEREO R, 8192:UNDO
256 and following are data for the corresponding channel of the edit buff-
er. For reception by the DM2000, only the user area is valid. (36-127, 256-)
13.3.20 Compressor library bulk dump request format
The second and third bytes of the DATA NAME indicate the library num-
ber. (See above)
13.3.21 Gate library bulk dump format
The second and third bytes of the DATA NAME indicate the library num-
0:Library no.1 - 127:Library no.128, 256:CH1 - 351:CH96, 8192:UNDO
256 and following are data for the corresponding channel of the edit buff-
er. For reception by the DM2000, only the user area is valid. (4-127, 256-)
13.3.22 Gate library bulk dump request format
The second and third bytes of the DATA NAME indicate the library num-
ber. (See above)
13.3.23 Effect library bulk dump format
The second and third bytes of the DATA NAME indicate the library num-
0:Library no.1 - 127:Library no.128, 256:Effect1 - 263:Effect8, 8192:UNDO
256-263 are the data for the corresponding area of the edit buffer.
For reception by the DM2000, only the user area is valid. (61-127,
00110010 32
DATA NAME 01010001 51
0mmmmmmm mh
0-199 (EQ Library no.1-200),
0mmmmmmm ml
256- (Channel current data)
EOX 11110111 F7
End of exclusive
STATUS 11110000 F0
System exclusive message
ID No. 01000011 43
Manufacture's ID number (YAMAHA)
SUB STATUS 0000nnnn 0n
n=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel)
FORMAT No. 01111110 7E
Universal bulk dump
COUNT HIGH 0ccccccc ch
data count = ch * 128 + cl
COUNT LOW 0ccccccc cl
01001100 4C
01001101 4D
00100000 20
' '
00100000 20
' '
00111000 38
01000011 43
00110001 31
00110010 32
DATA NAME 01011001 59
0mmmmmmm mh
0-127 (COMP Library no.1-128),
0mmmmmmm ml
256- (Channel current data)
BLOCK INFO. 0ttttttt tt
total block number (minimum number
is 0)
0bbbbbbb bb
current block number (0-total block
DATA 0ddddddd ds
COMP Library data of block[bb]
0ddddddd de
CHECK SUM 0eeeeeee ee
ee= (Invert ('L'+...+de)+1)&0x7F
EOX 11110111 F7
End of exclusive
STATUS 11110000 F0
System exclusive message
ID No. 01000011 43
Manufacture's ID number (YAMAHA)
SUB STATUS 0010nnnn 2n
n=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel)
FORMAT No. 01111110 7E
Universal bulk dump
01001100 4C
01001101 4D
00100000 20
' '
00100000 20
' '
00111000 38
01000011 43
00110001 31
00110010 32
DATA NAME 01011001 59
0mmmmmmm mh
0-127 (COMP Library no.1-128),
0mmmmmmm ml
256- (Channel current data)
EOX 11110111 F7
End of exclusive
STATUS 11110000 F0
System exclusive message
ID No. 01000011 43
Manufacture's ID number (YAMAHA)
SUB STATUS 0000nnnn 0n
n=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel)
FORMAT No. 01111110 7E
Universal bulk dump
COUNT HIGH 0ccccccc ch
data count = ch * 128 + cl
COUNT LOW 0ccccccc cl
01001100 4C
01001101 4D
00100000 20
' '
00100000 20
' '
00111000 38
01000011 43
00110001 31
00110010 32
DATA NAME 01000111 47
0mmmmmmm mh
0-127 (GATE Library no.1-128),
0mmmmmmm ml
256-351 (Channel current data)
BLOCK INFO. 0ttttttt tt
total block number (minimum number
is 0)
0bbbbbbb bb
current block number (0-total block
DATA 0ddddddd ds
GATE Library data of block[bb]
0ddddddd de
CHECK SUM 0eeeeeee ee
ee= (Invert ('L'+...+de)+1)&0x7F
EOX 11110111 F7
End of exclusive
STATUS 11110000 F0
System exclusive message
ID No. 01000011 43
Manufacture's ID number (YAMAHA)
SUB STATUS 0010nnnn 2n
n=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel)
FORMAT No. 01111110 7E
Universal bulk dump
01001100 4C
01001101 4D
00100000 20
' '
00100000 20
' '
00111000 38
01000011 43
00110001 31
00110010 32
DATA NAME 01000111 47
0mmmmmmm mh
0-127 (GATE Library no.1-128),
0mmmmmmm ml
256-351 (Channel current data)
EOX 11110111 F7
End of exclusive
STATUS 11110000 F0
System exclusive message
ID No. 01000011 43
Manufacture's ID number (YAMAHA)
SUB STATUS 0000nnnn 0n
n=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel)
FORMAT No. 01111110 7E
Universal bulk dump
COUNT HIGH 0ccccccc ch
data count = ch * 128 + cl
COUNT LOW 0ccccccc cl
01001100 4C
01001101 4D
00100000 20
' '
00100000 20
' '
00111000 38
01000011 43
00110001 31
00110010 32
DATA NAME 01000101 45
0mmmmmmm mh
0-127 (Effect Library no.1-128),
0mmmmmmm ml
256-259 (Effect1-8 current)