EPL Commands
14245L-003 Rev. A EPL Programming Guide 12/16/13
Store Form
Description This command begins a form store sequence.
• All commands following FS will be stored in form memory until the FE command is
received, ending the form store process.
• Delete a form prior to updating the form by using the FK command. If a form (with the
same name) is already stored in memory, issuing the FS command will result in an error
and the previously stored form is retained.
• To print a list of the forms currently stored in memory, use the FI command.
• Data stored within a form can not have the Null (0 dec. 00 hex.) character as part of any
data within that form.
• A form will not store if insufficient memory is available. See the M command for details
on adjusting and configuring memory for forms, graphics and soft fonts.
Parameters This table identifies the parameters for this format:
Parameters Details
This is the form name used when the form was stored.
• The name may be up to 8 characters long.
• Form names stored by the printer are case sensitive and
will be stored exactly as entered on the FS command line;
i.e. “FORM1”, “form1” and “FoRm1” are three different
forms when stored into the printer or when retrieved by
the user.
• Global commands such as EI, EK, ES, FI, FK, GI, GK,
GM, M, N, P, TS, U, UE, UF, UG, Y, W, ?, ^@ should not be
used in a form store sequence.
Note • Form name, AUTOFR, is reserved for
automatic, single form recall. See AUTOFR
on page 50 for details.
Example •
FK"TESTFORM"↵ : delete form “TESTFORM”
↵ : begins the form store
sequence of the form
V00,15,N,"Enter Product Name:"
A50,200,0,3,1,1,N,"Example Form"↵
A50,400,0,3,1,1,N,"Model Name: “V00↵
FE ↵ : ends form store sequence
↵ : prints list of stored forms