EPL Commands
14245L-003 Rev. A EPL Programming Guide 12/16/13
Cancel Auto Bar Code Optimization
Description This command allows the advanced programmer to disable bar code
optimization for rotated (90° & 270°) bar codes.
Syntax oB
Parameters Thre are no parameters for this format.
The oB command is a global printer command.
• It can not be issued inside of a form.
• It must be issued prior to issuing a bar code command (and printing).
To reapply bar code defaults, issue an o (small letter “o”) command. See page C-90 for
important details on the effects of using the o command.
Reset the printer with a ^@ command with flash firmware printers or cycle printer power to
clear the oB command and return the printer to normal operation.
Important • Zebra Technologies Corporation does not warrant, support, or endorse the use of
bar codes generated by the printer after a oB command has been issued.
Zebra Technologies Corporation does not support this feature other than with the information
supplied in this document.