Chapter 7 System Screens
NWA-3500/NWA-3550 User’s Guide
7.4 General Setup Screen
Use the General screen to identify your NWA over the network. Click System >
General. The following screen displays.
Figure 73 System > General
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 23 System > General
General Setup
System Name Type a descriptive name to identify the NWA in the Ethernet
This name can be up to 30 alphanumeric characters long. Spaces are
not allowed, but dashes "-" and underscores "_" are accepted.
Domain Name This is not a required field. Leave this field blank or enter the domain
name here if you know it.
Inactivity Timer
Type how many minutes a management session (either via the web
configurator or SMT) can be left idle before the session times out.
The default is 5 minutes. After it times out you have to log in with
your password again. Very long idle timeouts may have security
A value of "0" means a management session never times out, no
matter how long it has been left idle (not recommended).
System DNS Servers