Chapter 6 Tutorial
NWA-3500/NWA-3550 User’s Guide
1 Configure the SERVER_1 network’s SSID profile to use specific MAC filter and
layer-2 isolation profiles.
2 Configure the SERVER_1 network’s MAC filter profile.
3 Configure the SERVER_1 network’s layer-2 isolation profile.
4 Repeat steps 1 ~ 3 for the SERVER_2 network.
5 Check your settings and test the configuration.
To configure layer-2 isolation, you need to know the MAC addresses of the devices
on your network, which are as follows.
To configure MAC filtering, you need to know the MAC addresses of the devices
Alice and Bob use to connect to the network, which are as follows.
6.4.4 Configure the SERVER_1 Network
First, you will set up the SERVER_1 network which allows Alice to access secure
server 1 via the network switch.
You will configure the MAC filter to restrict access to Alice alone, and then
configure layer-2 isolation to allow her to access only the network switch, the file
server and the Internet security gateway.
Take the following steps to configure the SERVER_1 network.
Table 19 Tutorial: Example Network MAC Addresses
NWA Z BB:AA:99:88:77:66
Secure Server 1 1 AA:99:88:77:66:55
Secure Server 2 2 99:88:77:66:55:44
Workstation C 88:77:66:55:44:33
Switch D 77:66:55:44:33:22
Security gateway E 66:55:44:33:22:11
Table 20 Tutorial: Example User MAC Addresses
Alice 11:22:33:44:55:66
Bob 22:33:44:55:66:77