Unied Access Point Administrator’s Guide
Unied Access Point Administrator’s Guide
Page 26
March 2012
Section 3 - Viewing Access Point Status
Field Description
Total Drop Packets Indicates total number of packets sent (in Transmit table) or received (in Received table) by
this AP that were dropped.
Total Drop Bytes Indicates total number of bytes sent (in Transmit table) or received (in Received table) by
this AP that were dropped.
Errors Indicates total errors related to sending and receiving data on this AP.
Table 9 - Transmit/Receive
Viewing Associated Wireless Client Information
To view the client stations associated with a particular access point, click the Client Associations tab.
Figure 8 - Viewing Client Association Information
The associated stations are displayed along with information about packet trafc transmitted and received for each
The following describes the elds on the Client Associations page.
Field Description
Network Shows which VAP the client is associated with. For example, an entry of wlan0vap2 means
the client is associated with Radio 1, VAP 2.
An entry of wlan0 means the client is associated with VAP 0 on Radio 1. An entry of wlan1
means the client is associated with VAP 0 on Radio 2.
Station Shows the MAC address of the associated wireless client.
Status The Authenticated and Associated Status shows the underlying IEEE 802.11 authentication
and association status, which is present no matter which type of security the client uses to
connect to the AP. This status does not show IEEE 802.1X authentication or association
Some points to keep in mind with regard to this eld are:
•) If the AP security mode is None or Static WEP, the authentication and association
status of clients showing on the Client Associations page will be in line with what is
expected; that is, if a client shows as authenticated to the AP, it will be able to transmit
and receive data. (This is because Static WEP uses only IEEE 802.11 authentication.)
•) If the AP uses IEEE 802.1X or WPA security, however, it is possible for a client
association to show on this page as authenticated (via the IEEE 802.11 security) but
actually not be authenticated to the AP via the second layer of security.
From Station Shows the number of packets and bytes received from the wireless client and the number of
packets and bytes that were dropped after being received.
To Station Shows the number of packets and bytes transmitted from the AP to the wireless client and
the number of packets and bytes that were dropped upon transmission.
Table 10 - Associated Clients
Viewing TSPEC Client Associations
The TSPEC Client Association Status and Statistics page provides some basic information about the client
associations status and a real-time display of the transmit and receive statistics for the TSPEC clients. All transmit and
receive statistics shown are totals since the client association started.