To mount the sonar, slide the unit onto the bracket from above (left).
To adjust the view, press and release spring-loaded ratchets while tilt-
ing the unit (right).
Portable Transducer Assembly
Make sure there is one washer on each side of the transducer, inside the
bracket. Slide the other washer over the end of the bolt and screw on the nut.
Screw the suction cup onto the bracket
using the supplied screw and flat
washer. Tie the nylon cord through the
hole in the top of the bracket. When
using the transducer, tie the other end
of the nylon cord to the boat. This will
help prevent losing the transducer if it
comes off. Clean the chosen area of
the hull before attaching the suc-
tion cup. Locate the transducer on
the hull as shown in the following
figure. Don't let the bracket extend
below the hull, because water pres-
sure against it can cause the suction
cup to come off at speed.
Portable transducer installed on
boat transom.