
3 - 9
2D Reread Delay
Sometimes 2D bar codes can take longer to read than other bar codes. If you wish to set a separate Reread Delay for 2D
bar codes, scan one of the programming codes that follows. 2D Reread Delay Off indicates that the time set for Reread
Delay is used for both 1D and 2D bar codes. Default = 2D Reread Delay Off.
Illumination Lights
If you want the illumination lights on while reading a bar code, scan the Lights On bar code, below. However, if you want to turn
just the lights off, scan the Lights Off bar code. Default = Lights On.
Note: This setting does not affect the aimer light. The aiming light can be set using Aimer Mode (page 3-10).
* 2D Reread Delay Off
Short (1000ms)
Medium (2000ms)
Long (3000ms)
Extra Long (4000ms)
* Lights On
Lights Off