
Table of Contents
PiranhaMAX™ Portable Case Assembly 1
1. Assembling the PiranhaMAX™ Mount .................................................. 2
2. Assembling the Base and Handle .......................................................... 2
3. Assembling the Control Head to the Base and Handle.......................... 4
4. Routing the Cables in the Base .............................................................. 5
5. Assembling the Portable Case................................................................ 8
6. Charging and Installing the Battery........................................................ 9
7. Assembling the Transducer Mounting Bracket ....................................10
8. Stowing the Portable Transducer
and Battery Charger into the Portable Case..........................................11
Installing the Portable Case on the Boat 12
1. Connecting the Transducer and Power Cables
to the Portable Case ..............................................................................12
2. Attaching the Portable Case to the Boat ..............................................13
Mounting the Portable Transducer 14
1. Testing the Transducer Prior to Installation ..........................................14
2. Mounting the Portable Transducer on the Boat....................................14
Moving the Portable Fishfinder 16
Powering ON and OFF 17
What You See On the Display 18
PiranhaMAX™ Sonar Technology 19
Single Beam Sonar.................................................................................... 20
Dual Beam Sonar ...................................................................................... 20