Selecting Adjust and making incremental changes
enhances the fishfinder’s ability to identify sonar returns
as fish symbols.
Increasing the value to a number greater than zero
shows more fish symbols on-screen. In this case smaller
sonar returns will be depicted as fish symbols. This is
useful for identifying many smaller sonar returns (such
as bait fish) as fish symbols.
Decreasing the value to a number less than zero shows fewer fish symbols on-
screen. In this case smaller sonar returns are disregarded. This is useful for
eliminating many small sonar returns when seeking larger species of fish.
The 425SX remembers this selection even when the unit is powered off.
Numeral Size. Two options are available: Big and
Small. The factory setting is Big. With this setting, the
digital depth and speed and temp numerals are drawn
large enough to be read from across the boat. The big
numerals occupy space on the display that could be
used for the graphics area. Hence, the small numerals
option. With small numerals selected, a greater
amount of the display area is available for the graphic view. This effectively
increases the display resolution of the unit.
Numeral Size settings are remembered when powered off.
Units Speed. Units of Speed allows the selection of
MPH (statute miles per hour), KTS (nautical miles per
hour) or KPH (Kilometers Per Hour). Use the Arrow
buttons to highlight the desired selection.
Speed Offset. The Speed Offset option allows the
user to compensate for differences in hull design, and
its effect on the accuracy of the speed measurement.
If there is a discrepancy between the indicated speed
and another speed measurement device on the boat,
the speed measurement can be varied to improve