JAVA Tech VERSION 3.0 Marine Radio User Manual

General Applet Control
E.g. var ready = ViewONE.isReady();
This method returns true if the applet as completed initialization.
If JavaScript is used to open a document during HTML page initialization then this method
is useful in determining when ViewONE has fully initialized (prior to opening the
Browsers normally initialize Applets in parallel to HTML initialization and so it may be
necessary to use this method to synchronize calls to ViewONE. Also, ViewONE itself runs
thru an initialization phase in parallel to the loading of a web page.
Note on “object not found” message…
If you receive an “object not found” message while making this (or any JavaScript
calls) then it is because the applet has not been started by the browser (ViewONE
has not even had a chance to perform it’s own initialization). This message is
produced by the browser (not the applet).
The solution is to add some JS code to the call of isReady() which handles object not
found (or any use of JavaScript with ViewONE), as follows…