JAVA Tech VERSION 3.0 Marine Radio User Manual

setDocumentArray(filename, index)
ViewONE.setDocumentArray(“doc1parameters.txt”, 0);
ViewONE.setDocumentArray (“doc2parameters.txt”, 1);
ViewONE.setDocumentArray (“doc3parameters.txt”, 2);
This method group specifies the number documents to open in a multi-document session,
then specifies the parameter file for each document (each one representing a successive
document), then opens the ‘assembled’ document list at document t1. Note the document
array begins at array element zero.
For information about using document paramater files, please refer to the ViewONE HTML
Installation Manual; look up the section on the “Doc<N>” HTML parameter.
Initializing the page anf thumb arrays causes a ‘soft’ close to be performed, i.e. the current
document is closed and the annotation source, templates and background images are
reset if a document is currently open. If no document is currently open, then the close and
reset is not performed.
openList(listFile, page)
E.g. ViewONE.openList(“mylist/list.txt”, 1);
This method offers and alternative option to the page array methods above. It allows a file
to be supplied which contains a list of pages.
This is useful for very large documents because it removes the need to deal with an array
in JavaScript.
It can also be used to keep the HTML constant, by changing the source list instead of
changing the HTML between different documents.
(Separate files for thumbnails are not available for this option).