© 2002 Design, 2013 Doc. No. 12-5335-r01 (6/27/13)
Time id
Pressure id
Depth id
Temp or
FO2 is
Daily AL or
TMT Link
Dot Matrix
A = AM or Am (time)
ACTIV = Activation
AL = Alarm
ALGO = Algorithm
ATR = Air Time Remaining
AUD = Audible
BATT = Battery
BDSI = Between Dive Surface Interval
C = Centigrade (temperature)
CAL = Calibrate (compass)
CDT = Countdown Timer
CHRONO = Chronograph (stop watch)
COMM = Communications
CONS = Conservative Factor
CONSERV = Conservative Factor
D.M = Day & Month (date)
DA = Descend/Ascend (depth alarm)
DD = Descending Depth (alarm)
DECLIN = Declination (compass)
DECO = Decompression
DESAT = Desaturation (nitrogen)
DFLT = Default
DSAT = Algorithm type
DSD = Dive Start Depth
DTR = Dive Time Remaining
DURA = Duration (backlight time)
E = East (compass)
EDT = Elapsed Dive Time
EL = Elevation (altitude level)
F = Farenheit (temperature)
FO2 = Fractional % of Oxygen
FORM = Format (date, time)
FREE = Free Dive Mode
FRSH = Fresh (water)
FT = Feet (depth)
GAUG = Digital Gauge Dive Mode
GLO = Glow (backlight)
H = Hour (time)
HIST = History
HR = Hour (time)
ID = Identication (module)
INTVL = Interval (time)
IMP = Imperial (units)
M = Meters (depth)
M = Minutes (time)
M.D = Month & Day (date)
MAX = Maximum
MET = Metric (units)
MIN = Minutes (time)
N = North (compass)
NDC = No Deco Time Remaining
NDL = No Deco Limit (time)
NE = Northeast (compass)
NI = Nitrogen
NO-D = No Decompression
NORM = Normal Dive Mode
NW = Northwest (compass)
Nx = Nitrox (gas)
O2 = Oxygen
OP = Operating (mode)
OCi Watch/Dive Computers are placed in a Deep Sleep mode prior to being shipped from the factory. The intent is to extend storage life of the Battery for
up to 7 years, before the unit is initially placed in service.
In this mode, Date and Time are updated as they normally would be. However, they are not displayed. Upon waking the OCi up, the correct Date and
USA Pacific Time will be displayed and it will be ready to operate with full functions.
To wake the OCi up from Deep Sleep mode, simultaneously depress the upper/right (S) and lower/left (A) buttons for 3 seconds until the display comes full
ON displaying the Watch Main Time screen, then release them.
NOTE: Once the OCi is brought out of the Deep Sleep mode, it can only be placed back into it by the factory.
OTR = O2 Time Remaining
P = PM or Pm (time)
PC = Personal Computer
PO2 = Partial Pressure of O2 (ATA)
PSI = Pounds per Square Inch (pressure)
RDI = Repeating Depth Interval
REF = Reference (compass mode)
REPET = Repeating (interval alarm)
REV = Revision (rmware)
RTI = Repeating Time Interval
S = Seconds (time)
S = South (compass)
SAT = Saturation
SE = Southeast (compass)
SEC = Seconds (time)
SEL = Select
SN = Serial Number
SPG = Submersible Pressure Gauge
SRT = Surface Recovery Time
SURF = Surface (mode, time)
SW = Southwest (compass)
TAT = Total Ascent Time (deco)
TECH = Technical Free Dive Mode
TLBG = Tissue Loading Bar Graph
TMR = Timer
TMT = Transmitter (tank pressure)
UTIL = Utilities (set mode)
VARI = Variable Ascent Rate Indicator
VIOL = Violation
W = West (compass)
Z+ = Algorithm type