
Cuda 12000 IP Access Switch CLI-based Administration Guide
Fault Management Commands 581
Fault Management Commands
Table A-11 Fault Management Commands
Command Mode Description
alarm-throttle {alarms <number> |
interval <number> | default}
root Configures alarm threshold and
delivery parameters.+
aux-device ac-monitor <args>
aux-device db15 alarm <args>
aux-device dc-monitor <args>
aux-device fan-rotation <args>
aux-device fan-temp <args>
aux-device ps-temp <args>
root Configures an external device
(e.g., power supply and fan tray)
for fault reporting.
basmonitor Any Monitors agent-level activity.
chassis-fault [backplane]
[backplane-temp] [bits-a] [bits-b]
[blue] [fan-rotation] [fan-temp]
[local-pwr-a] [local-pwr-b]
[processor-temp] [ps-ac] [ps-dc]
[ps-temp] [red-alarm] [yellow]
root Enables chassis alarms.
event-config reporting {default |
{{emergency | alert | critical | error |
warning | notice | info | debug} {none
| local | local|traps | local|syslog |
root Assigns an event class to a
reporting action.
event-config syslog <ip-address> root Specifies the IP address of the
syslog server.
event-config throttle admin
{unconstrained |
maintainBelowThreshold |
stopAtThreshold | inhibited}
root Specifies the event administrative
event-config throttle interval
root Specifies the event interval.
event-config throttle threshold
root Specifies the event threshold.
event-log clear root Clears the event log.
link-trap interface:<type>:csi Enables link up and link down
traps for an interface.
trace-log slot or interface:cable:csi Enables you to trace agent-level
activity through basmonitor.